Saturday, October 19, 2019

First October post


It's been awhile, sorry. We just finished the first quarter of the school year (already) and are experiencing the frigid (to me) mornings and (mostly) pleasant afternoons that are autumn in Ohio. It's dark for the big kids at the bus stop around 7 and that makes me sad. I am a heliotrope, and I can't get warm.

We added to our family a Great Pyrenees named Miss Honey "White Shadow" (you need to see "Turbo", the movie about the snails, in order to get that reference) who had been running as a stray with a male of her kind in the Dayton area. She ended up at a rescue north of us and on paper she sounded perfect: quiet, large, fluffy, loving. She and the Bosley Fool are adjusting fairly well. He finds it unfair that she is about 30# underweight and therefore gets second breakfast and lunch in addition to breakfast and dinner like him. She has a wonderfully deep, low bark, you know, like a real dog. Come on over and love on our fuzzies! 

She has a possum tail right now because she was so matted when she was rescued that they had to shave her butt and her tail, but it is growing back in. We love that it's curly at the end like a piggy, haha! 

Deal me in, would ya?

Dada and the firstborn are responsible for telling their own story of their survivalist training weekend but I think they've forgotten that, so y'all will have to remind them. I can't wait to read it all, too!  

We had some trees trimmed and one taken down completely. The guy who climbed it to trim it said, "uh, this one should probably just come down. It's not in great shape." Having friends who have been displaced by a tree falling on their home, we figured we might as well take care of it while he was here. In falling it took out one of my clotheslines, heh. We've been burning the leftovers slowly, but I expect that will pick up as it's colder now and less windy. 

I'm participating in a new-to-me Bible study on Thursday mornings with the neatest bunch of ladies of all ages, churches, walks of life, and I am loving it. We are studying Exodus, which is nothing I've ever camped out in before (haha!) and I'm amazed at the ties between the Old and New Testament that I'd never have found on my own. God is SO good. Always.

And I'm also back on Friday mornings pulling first graders one on one to read to me. As usual, I'm fighting off the temptation to pop them into my purse and sneak them home. They are so clever and cute and I just love them! 

The big kids are going to their youth groups on Wednesday nights which means Dada and I get one on one time with the Damonater. The first few weeks it was hot enough still that we spent the hour and a half waiting for the big kids to finish at a park where he made friend after friend playing tag and running around. Now that it's colder we've spent time catching up on reading minutes, browsing through Bass Pro, we've gotten some milkshakes... I imagine there may be some library dates coming up and before you know it we will be Christmas shopping at "Bath and Whatever", haha! 

Health-wise, everything is great. Just doing maintenance meds; I've done 150+ days of the one I'll do for 365 days. Next oncologist appointment is just before Thanksgiving. As always, thanks again for your prayers and support; it has meant so much over the past year and a half. If you would be so kind, my friend Cori has just been diagnosed as triple negative. She is married with five kids and is also surrounded by our amazing church. Please, when you think of me, lift her up as well as she starts her treatment journey. Thank you much!

Have a terrific weekend and thanks for being patient between posts! I'm sure there will be a birthday one sooner or later as Gozer the Destroyer, I mean Liam, turns 14 on Halloween! 

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