Wednesday, September 09, 2020

Not puzzling

Aunt Lainie gave us this puzzle last year as we packed up to head home from the beach. It's 1000 pieces, our first large jigsaw attempt, perfect for quarantine and summer vacation. I opened the box and the plastic packaging inside the box.

It is missing 106 pieces.

Not 16. One hundred six.

Now, we have no way of knowing if it was missing some or all of them before we opened it, but I can tell you that I caught Bosley Underfoot walking on the table like it was a catwalk and he's had colorful poop lately, so my guess is that not all the pieces grew legs themselves. Pretty sure they had help.

I had a good time with this challenge despite those who shall remain nameless who didn't want to help as we didn't even have all the edge pieces, ahem. PaPa even got some in. Big thanks to Liam who channels his patience and unerringly discovered what went where. Or should.

I think we should wait until Fall break to attempt the next one.


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