Thursday, December 31, 2020

Christmas 2020

One of Thing One's Christmas presents was the piercing of ears, which happens at tattoo parlors around here, believe it or not. And not being 18, this was the second attempt getting them done as we didn't have the requisite birth certificate in hand the first time around.

 Apparently earring care has changed since I've had mine done a long, long time ago, and you're not supposed to turn the front one way while rotating the back the opposite direction twice a day or swabbing them with rubbing alcohol. The new thing is a container of "Wound Wash" which just leaves itself open to so many wrong avenues...

I know a lot of you got buttloads of Christmas snow. Thankfully we were not so "blessed", haha. We got a dusting and that counts as a white Christmas, thank you very much!

We also had a lovely sunset. The weather cooperated for Pap to get here from Uncle Kelly and Aunt Becky's, from which he left Christmas morning. We waited to open presents until he got here, which was much harder on some of us than on others. Overall, they did well, and he got here around 1:30 so they didn't have to wait forever regardless of what they'd tell you.

Liam had a moment of exasperation with Damon, who was dancing with glee, and commented, "Bro! Stop flossing and put these over there!" I don't remember what he was trying to hand over, but it cracked me up. Other things overheard:

YES! It's the GOOD paper! ~regarding a new sketchbook

YAY! Plain clothes! ~regarding new wardrobe additions

WAHOO! Gift cards!

There apparently was some good-natured ribbing from some online friends about still using a rainbow loom, to which was replied, "shut up and let me be fabulous!"

There were new games, art supplies, clothes, puzzle games, video games, books, lovely scented lotions, a fuzzy blanket, and even a lunch box in case we ever leave the house again. 

It was a pleasant, quiet, blessed Christmas that we spent in our warm, cozy home. Three kids, three dogs, three adults, far too much food, two Christmas trees, a partridge in a pear tree. 

We are thankful. 

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from us to all of you!

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