Friday, March 19, 2021

Mid-March moments

We celebrated Grandma Barb's birthday with chocolate donuts, which we all knew she would appreciate. They hopped into my cart at the store the day before her birthday, so I blame her. She was a huge chocolate fan, often smuggling me Dove chocolates, and hiding M&M's in her pockets. She's been gone five years already and we often giggle about her love of bananas, which bordered on addiction, how she would have gotten a kick out of the things the kids say and do, and how I hear her voice in my head when I ask, "how's everybody doing today?" Gone but not forgotten, for sure. Happy birthday, Grandma Barb.

And because I do have a wee bit of Irish in me, I felt I should represent for St. Patrick's Day:

And, heaven help me, I decided to clean out the boys' closets and dresser. I told Zita to send in a search party if she didn't hear from me again in a timely fashion. 

Holy Moses, does this kid have a lot of clothes! For someone who has been in pajamas for the majority of the last eleven months, I was blown away by how much he has. These pictures are all from Damon's closet!

I made a ton of progress. We have a large box to give to a friend with slightly smaller guys than ours, and bags to head to goodwill. That Cuisinart box in the background was full of clothes for him to wear in fall of 2020, but as I've stated already, he stayed in pajamas because we didn't go anywhere, so I never even opened it. I'm fairly certain none of it will fit him in the fall/winter of 2021 because the kid got LONG. Things tend to get boxed up around here and then hang out a week or two before making it to their final destination, so if you of anyone who needs size 10-12 shirts, long or short sleeves, let me know!

I should have taken pictures of Liam's dresser drawers. We discovered a long time ago that rolling his clothes works better than folding them, but during the pandemic he's also been in mostly pajamas and has taken to just yeeting stuff in the drawer any which way. The drawers have never closed well anyway, so they just yawn open and patiently receive whatever he's trying to jam in there. Well, I discovered that he had shoved dress shirts in there as well, and was not pleased. First of all, those suckers are long sleeved and take up more room, and second, I do not iron. Ever. He assured me the wrinkles will fall back out now that they're hung up, and let's be honest, we're not going anywhere for awhile that he would need them, but still. To quote a friend and fellow karate mom, "the child isn't right!" 

Anyway, we got his dresser mostly sorted but did not even attempt to deal with the huge bin of rolled up clothes that has been lurking in his closet. Divide and conquer. If he'd just quit growing, that would help. Looks like he's grown two inches in the last year and that's just eyeballing it. Yiiiiiikes. Good thing it's almost shorts season because I don't know how we'll keep him in pants otherwise...

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