Thursday, April 22, 2021

Spring means baseball

Dada roped Damon into signing up for baseball this year. It's our first time with a team sport, being a karate family for many years. As you can see from the pictures, we started off with some pretty fair weather... 

This past Monday night, which was chosen because it was supposed to be raining Tuesday evening, was windy. Our practice field is out in the middle of ... fields... and there aren't any trees for windbreaks. It was about 52 degrees by the time we finished, but the wind was ranging from 17-21 mph and these poor kids were trying to grip metal bats and catch balls when some of them were just in hoodies and pants that were flapping on them like they were trying to become airborne. Damon wore his shirt from school, under a hoodie, with his raincoat on top to cut some of the wind, and he was still a kidsicle. I wore a T-shirt, a flannel shirt, and a winter coat with its liner zipped in and I was still freezing and more than happy to chase the foul balls hit into the field lest I freeze to the bleachers. Bleacher butt is no fun anyway, and though I had a wool blanket in the car (thanks to Dada's obsession with them), it looked like it was going to rain on us and did in fact sprinkle while they were warming up, and I didn't want wet wool. *insert crinkle nosed face here, haha*

Anyway, practice is tonight again as long as there isn't snow on the field. Since it is bright and sunny we will be bundling up once again for mid-forties this evening!

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