Wednesday, July 28, 2021

Oh dear

All I can hear in my head is the caretaker of Hogwarts, Argus Filch, sneering, "we aaaaare in trouble now, aren't we?" Clearly I am a member of The Weeding Inept Tribe, or TWIT. 

Look at this disaster zone!

If the saying is true about "one year's seeds is seven years' weeds" then we are going to have tomatoes for the next century. Eeeeeeek. I did start in on the wedding yesterday after over a week of vacation and apparently tons of rain while we were gone. I just about bathed in OFF and still got half a dozen mosquito bites, but the super annoying part was how they'd sing in my ears as they bounced off my skin. It was 88 degrees and I was dripping everything- bug spray, sweat, dirt, haha. It's going to take a lot more work, but the upside is that we won't have to buy tomatoes any time soon! Yeeesh.


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