Thursday, July 29, 2021

Critters at the beach

 This photo is a teaser as well. There will be a separate post as we did a wild horse tour in Corolla for the first time this summer. But she counts as a critter, too:

Lots of lovely, large dragonflies visit the beach house. Muggin had a friendly one land right in her open book while she was reading.

I love the calm efficiency of the pelicans as they float by...

Say hello to my little friend. I can't get enough of the little sand crabbies. They are so cute scuttling out of the way. They make me laugh every single time!

Okay, this isn't a real critter, but he's a lost toy we found on the sidewalk so we tucked him into the rocky bank and then looked for him every time we went on our walks. Maybe someone in a stroller will find him and be delighted like we were.

I don't know what kind of lizard this cutie is, but he consented to stay put and say cheese for the camera during another of our walks. I wonder how many more were amongst the bushes that I never saw!

This is Lexie, one of the beach house dogs. We firmly maintain that she is at least part fruit bat. She looks a bit sinister here, but truly just wants back scratches and could also be part bear due to the way she wedges under chairs and rocks them while scratching an itchy spot. Apparently I didn't get any pictures of Hacker this year, who is looking as noble as ever with his beautiful brindle coat, as well as more distinguished with his white eyebrows and graying muzzle. Such sweet friends. 

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