Friday, September 24, 2021

A disturbing trend

 No, rest easy; I'm not beginning a post about politics. I'd not poke that bear. You're welcome to peruse the news to regulate or elevate your blood pressure at your own discretion and under whatever orders you have from your doctor. Mine is a very first world complaint about something insidious and persistent and irritating.

The dreaded fruit fly.

I don't know if it's just us or if the rest of y'all have been accosted by fruit flies. I'm pretty sure it was regular flies in the Biblical plagues, and I'm trying to decide if that would be worse. Harder for regular sized flies to zoom up your nose, I suppose.

At any rate, I had a fruit fly the other morning that I'd whacked multiple times and it just Would. Not. Die. I guess I was getting a little aggressive because even Liam noticed. What I mean by that is that Liam is, shall we say, a slow moving vehicle at the best of times but maaaaybe achieves Turtle Speed One first thing in the morning. Add to that the fact that he had earbuds in to tune out the signals both natural and mom-made that he should be functioning in a higher gear than one uses while sleeping. 

He looked up in alarm when I repeatedly smashed my tiny foe into the table. 

"What's going on?!"

"This stupid bug will. not. die. DIE!"

*smash whack squish*

"HaHA! I got him! Finally."

Liam, smirking, quipped, "wow. That must have been the buggernaut."

And there you have it, folks. Yet another brilliant word coined by Liam the Lionhearted. You heard it here first. May the odds be ever in your favor as you face down your own buggernauts. Go forth and conquer!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That's even better than FLOWERFUL!!