Monday, October 11, 2021

We may need another intervention

 In talking with a close friend of mine, the conversation turned to Legos. I told him how all our kiddos have enjoyed using those colorful choking hazards and dangers to barefoot walkers everywhere to fire up their imaginations, and how Thing One had even taken to painting on some to turn them into a Percy Jackson set. We have Harry Potter sets, Star Wars sets, general multi-purpose sets, Batman, Spider-Man, City, you name it. Well, not “girly” ones like fairies because I’d be the only one putting those together, and honestly, wherever would I find the room?

That's a poker table which seats six very comfortably, mind you, that Dada crafted himself, complete with metal cupholders (which make excellent Lego separators, incidentally). When we moved here 8 years ago the deal was that the Legos would stay on said table as it had a rim around the edge so they wouldn't fall on the floor easily to be stepped on, vacuumed, consumed by smaller siblings who shouldn't be touching them yet, etc.

They're even creeping up the stairs from the basement.

Our Lego containment container needs backup; send help!

These ones made it clear to the table in the library, along with a rubber ducky friend. 

While beloved by all our kiddos, it's safe to say Liam is the biggest fan. He hasn't had much time to be working on them this fall because

 A) school 

 B) gutter maintenance and black walnut pickup (we have a ridiculous amount of them- if you want them, come and claim them. Anyone else hear Arwen in your head? Just me? Alrighty then, carry on.) 

 C) a special art project 

 D), let's face it- the Nintendo Switch ranks higher these days than Legos.

I didn't ask the question, but the answer would be E) all of these with the exception of B which really doesn't take that much time except B isn't by his choice therefore it takes all of the time and is so ridiculous and why do we even have walnut trees when we could just chop them down and problem solved?

Said child is going to be 16 on Halloween. Yeah. Me too. Or me neither, depending on if your thought was "I can't believe she's old enough to have another sixteen year old" versus "I can't believe he will be sixteen!" Haha. Anyway, here's hoping the kid doesn't ask for more Legos because enough already! 

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