Friday, January 28, 2022

Adrenaline dump

 Can you cast your memory back to a time when you heard R2-D2 squeal with terror? Not just the sad little beeps of alarm over present or imagined danger, but the trill that actually sounds like, “wooOOOOAH!” Keep that in mind.

I was minding my own business, having my first shower in… you know what, let’s not go there, and may or may not have been singing my jazziest impression of, “I feel good, doo doo doo doo doo doo DOO cha, I knew that I would, doo doo doo doo doo doo doo cha, I feel nice…” as I shampoo my hair. Don’t tell me you don’t sing that when you wash your hair. I know what I know.

Anyway, doin’ my thing, not hurting anybody, when the dang shampoo-and-soap-holding-caddy thing JUMPS off the shower head with NO provocation and scares the bejeezus out of me. I went straight from channeling James Brown to the impending doom shrill of R2-D2.

Thankfully, mercifully, nothing landed on my poor, unprotected toes or my hapless, shampoo suds-covered head. It made so much racket that Liam, LIAM- my oblivious one, asked from outside the door if I was okay. 

Whew. Be careful, people. Its not raining men, but my blood is pumping anyway!

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