Friday, May 20, 2022

Flowers, flowers everywhere

As you can see, I've got some things started from seeds, some from last year (here's looking at you, sage), and some I cheated and bought from a choir fundraiser. Now I just have to figure out where to put everybody!

I love flowers in sneaky places.

And this is my pie piece-shaped plot beside the front porch. Hello, baby begonias!

I'm not a huge fan of actual peony flowers, and I didn't plant these, but we inherited them with the house and I won't let Dada get rid of them because my Grammy had peonies when I was a kid and I was always fascinated that I never saw bees in them- only ants. These ones have ants, too, and I haven't looked into why yet. It's fun to wonder!

The deck in its various stages of potting, repotting, I-don't-know-where-to-put-these-yetting and why-aren't-you-growing.

This poor white begonia has been planted three times. A squirrel keeps digging it up, so I'll try a fourth time.

Dada said, "let's go look at seeds" which apparently was Guy for  "let's go fill up every gas can we own, buy a cartful of seedlings, and throw some seeds in said cart for good measure." 

And irises and dandelions. Saved the best for last. Yes, they're flowers. Dada, shush.


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