Thursday, November 03, 2022

Random post

I had a small friend join me the last time I hung laundry outside. I love wooly bears!

Dada and his estate sales. I never know what he's going to come home with, but he was delighted to snag this humungous ladder. I'm eternally grateful that my father didn't have this one lest I'd needed to use it every time my BFF locked herself out of her house, but that is an entirely different blog post, so you'll have to ask about that one sometime.

You've seen pictures of Liam's long hairs. In his defense, these are not all his, but I am thankful that I spotted this hairball in the bathroom I don't use and rescued it from the drain. I shudder to think what would have happened if it had continued on its journey. It was large enough to name, so:

And another estate sale find- ramps to the trailer we rarely use. Maybe now we'll use it more...? *shrug* Not my monkeys, not my circus.

And while I'm pondering, why is it keys and monkeys and not drop the y and add i-e-s? Hmmm. English is weird.


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