Wednesday, May 10, 2023

Somethings beautiful

Beauty may indeed be in the eye of the beholder, but I had to share these beautiful things with you all. Dandelions will forever be flowers to me, never weeds, and here they are in some of their glory.

Most of my favorite flowers are perennials who require nothing from me. They know when it's time to show up and do their thing, they do the thing with panache and then they go on their way. I love hostas, violets, the aforementioned dandelions, lilies, the irises that are just budding along the side of the house. My parents had a handful of crocuses at their old house that made me smile. There's even butterweed out back, which is a tallish, cute plant with yellow blossoms apparently attractive to bees. My garden is full of wild garlic mustard which I didn't plant, but I'm enjoying the white blossoms anyway. Below is a closeup of Virginia Springbeauties.

My poor tulips have been nibbled off and lost their petals by now. I have one bold one hanging on but it looks rather wretched. They were just glorious in their prime!

We've started the "oh, let's go look at seedlings for sale" game and came home with two flats of various things yesterday to join my flat of marigolds waiting patiently to be tucked into the garden. We haven't had a chance yet to till up the garden; Dada mowed last Friday, left the mower out to cool off, and the darn thing wouldn't start back up. One new battery later it's made it back into the shed, but is going to be called up for duty pretty soon again, methinks! Looks like today and tomorrow of sun and then rain on Friday so we better get crackin'!


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