Wednesday, December 13, 2023

Tis the season of ...

I don't even know. I wanted to say "busy-ness" or "chaos" or something along those lines but generally the things happening now are all FUN so it seems wrong to disparage them.

For instance, I've been to three holiday concerts so far. One (excellent) was done by a friend of the family, one (adorable) was the little kids where I'm a substitute teacher, and last week both boys had concerts. On the same night. At the same time. 

So we had to divide and conquer. Dada reported that Damon's band concert went really well, but Damon announced that their recording had technical difficulties and therefore I haven't heard it yet. They then released a redone audio version in an email link. Liam's concert/ A Christmas Carol presentation also went very well. Alas, no recordings are available that I'm aware of. 

Yeah, I've got crazy kiddos. Anyway, we're all doin' the holiday things and squeezing as much joy out of them as we can. We hope for happy and blessed for all of you as well!


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