Friday, April 05, 2024

Senior shenaniganery

Thing Two had an opportunity to be part of a K-12 special day in which he got to be the Angel of Death from Exodus. He was absolutely delighted and took his role seriously, even unintentionally frightening some of my preschoolers though our room had nothing to do with the special event.  Here he is at home whilst perfecting his costume.

Above, getting "leaves" prepared for the burning bushes the small kids would create. Older grades got to "make their own plague."

Below, he got a fog machine owned by one of his teachers to work again. I'd say he was a little bit crushed when he was told he wouldn't get to use it at the special event, but I had warned him it might be a possibility.  Either way, he was psyched that he got it to work.

And look, here he is in his natural environment, surrounded by gadgets, snacks, and yellow!


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