Wednesday, August 21, 2024

First day of school!

In my head, I always hear "first day of school" in Nemo's exuberant voice as he bounces on Marlin to wake him up. Our kids are WAY past being that excited about Day One, but photos are obligatory anyway.

Thing Two kicked off his first semester of college this week. (And there was much rejoicing. Hallelujah, brothers and sisters!) He's taking an English comp class in which he was the only guy, Calculus, Chemistry with lab, and Welding. It is going to be an interesting semester!

So far this week has been ice breakers and "this is the actual book we will be using" and "we are moving to this room" and so forth. 
We are excited to see what this semester holds for him in new friends and knowledge gained. Have a great Fall of Firsts, buddy!


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