Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Happy hump day

An eagle-eyed Thing Three spotted a mama deer with her triplets while I was ogling over a beautiful morning sun. She headed for the intersection as a pickup truck approached and I held my breath as math equations galloped across my brain: if Mama is traveling at speed X in this direction as a Truck approaches at this velocity Y from that direction, at which spot will we need the turkey buzzard cleanup crew? 
A) Here
B) Everywhere
C) There
I say B.
Fortunately for all involved, she is an excellent mama who knew to STOP before reaching the intersection and those babies hit the brakes too. The truck passed, more slowly, thankfully, as the sun was behind him- it might have been a different story from the opposite direction- and then once it passed the entire family made it safely across. 
As Thing Three and I sighed in relief and turned away from the sun to watch for the bus, he spies another solo deer in the other direction, also trying to cross the street with a different pickup truck challenge. She made it as well, as did the eventual bus, all without incident. 

Have a safe, wonderful hump day, people!


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