Wednesday, September 28, 2005

House hunting trip

Got back last night from a house hunting trip in Ohio. We'd been gone a week and a half, so it's nice to be home. If all inspections go well on all fronts, we'll be moved by Halloween! And not a day too soon, either... what with unpacking and the baby coming.

Care Bear loved house hunting and our wonderful realtor, Chris. Every time we got in the car we heard, "one more house?" and "more Kees?" As soon as she got up in the mornings, she was asking about Chris and more houses. Amazing kid. It was nice to have her there to test things for childproofing right off the bat. Hehe! She was even a good sport in the hotels, taking me "yooming" (swimming) and charming the housekeeping staff. One lady, Marie, even left her a note when we were out! I read it to her and then she walked around the room "reading" it over and over again.

We even got to visit our "old" church, Cedar Creek ( two weekends ago. Carrie went right into their huge nursery w/ all the other 2 year olds and had a blast. They have 2 way mirrors so we could watch and she didn't miss us one bit. It was really neat to be in their new-to-us building (they finished it just as we moved last time) and to hear how much they've grown- still doing 5 services and looking to expand even more. I think she really enjoyed being in the nursery as a break from us too!

Last weekend we got to play in Columbus at Karoly & Sharon's house. It was great to see them and finally meet Charlie, who will be one next month already! Carrie, Noah & Charlie had a good time stealing each others' toys throughout the weekend. I'll post pictures from the weekend tomorrow. It'll be so nice to live closer so they can become good friends! Care Bear even enjoyed their dog much more this time, saying "guse me" when stepping around him. Hehe!

Now we're back & it looks like we never left: puzzle pieces & books all over the floor, laundry in various stages of getting clean, stuff everywhere! Nice to be home... only here for 28 more days if all goes smoothly. Thanks for praying so hard, and please continue to do so because the inspections still need to be done!

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