Tuesday, September 13, 2005


Our cheery new mums are out front, ready to welcome anyone who wants to see The Last Resort now that it's for sale (see mums behind the for sale sign). I can't believe we'll be house hunting for Care Bear's third house before she is three. Amazing. Anyway, our realtor took pictures this morning and they'll be online shortly for your viewing pleasure. Yes, it's the same house. It's just clean. =P We laughed that nobody would believe it's the same place... bet when small group comes they'll think they found the wrong house. Hehe!

Not sure what Carrie thinks about the whole thing yet, but she very much enjoys house hunting. After each one, when we get her back into her car seat, she says, "one more?" and she asks about Chris, our Ohio realtor. Such a good sport!

Some new Carrie-isms: yoom= swim, howt it= hold it, I got it, I do it, paitig= painting (she's been watching Dada spruce the place up), Gone and Esay= John & Sally, our wonderful neighbors, pechews= pictures, haping= helping... I'm sure there's more but I'm blanking!

She was singing so loudly in Kroger today that an older man came up to us, grinning ear to ear & said, "I can hear her clear back in Meat!" and just was so tickled w/ her. We were in the FRONT of the store when he said it =/ I have no doubt he could... you'd have to be dead, not deaf, to have NOT heard her. Some of the older ladies commented & giggled on how she was in such a good mood, too. She's such a gift. They're really going to miss her in there!

Have a great week!

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