Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Construction and conversation

Last night Care Bear dragged out her big Legos and we all worked together to build a big church & roadway. She had the best time opening & closing the door on the church, and sticking signposts on the roof. Silly kid!

This morning I told her that tomorrow night our buddies would be coming over (last small group meeting)... "Mike, Leeann, Kia, Shawn, and Kindra."
Carrie: "And DD" (Derek, who is off at college)
Me: "DD's far away at school"
Carrie: "DD bye bye"
Me: "That's right"
Carrie: "DD gat cool?"

Me: "Yep, DD's at school."
So smart! I'm glad we got to see him & Christine & Kyle on Sunday one last time!

She's very into traffic these days. For some reason there have been a lot of semis going by on our small street, as well as school buses and the white hospital shuttle (which I've never seen before). Lots of talk about "big guks" and "lellow bus" and "hite bus" and "cool bus" which is a school bus. And of course she watches for Whahly and Gone, our neighbors Sally & John. Our mailman has changed times, so he comes here around 4 these days while she's down for her nap. Bet he misses her. She's sure to point out any "mail guks" she sees anytime we're out.

She's enjoying leafing through magazines, looking for babies and puppies. Sadly, the only one we get anymore is NEWSWEEK so she doesn't see too many these days... kept her busy in the doctor's office today, though. She found a Parenting magazine that had lots of her favorite subjects! (The Dr said everything looks good. He was "slower'n molasses" though, and I can't wait to move & see my old/new Dr again. She rocks!) She was really good for as long as we had to wait... even got to play w/ Silly Putty for the first time, which was a hit. She especially liked the egg that holds it. That's my kid.

I think she's up, so I better get a move on. Have a good rest of the week. "Allllmost the weekend!" =D

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