Monday, November 21, 2005

Carriese part 3

Still more Carrie-isms:

Nofuks! = snowflakes! (I haven't laughed that hard in a loooong time....)

Carrie: What you doing Mama?
Carrie: What you doing Mama?
Carrie: What you doing Mama?
Mama: I'm ignoring you.
Carrie: What you doing Mama?
Carrie: What you doing?
Carrie: What you doing Mama?
*there is just no fazing this girl....*

On banana bread: "I so happy to see my de-nana bet! I so 'cited see my de-nana bet!"

Liam is doing well too. We're having Thanksgiving here and are really looking forward to playing Pass The Baby. Care Bear will definitely thrive on all the attention and maybe our ears will get a break from the Toddler Repetition Game! Safe travels to all & a blessed Thanksgiving in case I don't get more posting done before then!

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