Thursday, June 22, 2006


Don't all y'all fall over. I know, amazing, isn't it? Two posts in less than a week! Ha!

Care Bear started ballet lessons on Monday. After being so excited about them, you'd think she'd dance, right? She met Miss Melissa and the 4 other little girls in her class (she is the shortest, by the way) and she stood there, hands on hips, most of the 30 minutes. I couldn't believe it. This child who will not hush up and hold still would not move in ballet class where she is supposed to be dancing. Miss Melissa had to physically position her body to do anything. I was so embarrassed. Granted, it was the first class and it's not all about me, but really. Kids. She says she had a good time and can, naturally, show us everything at home that they did there. Maybe next week will be more interesting. =P Cheeseball. Anyway, here's the much-awaited ballerina pictures. What a hoot.

Liam's sitting very well and loves to watch everything around him. I'm going to be immensely sad when he starts moving. He started in Sitters & Crawlers at church on Sunday and apparently napped most of his time in there! I couldn't find him when I went to claim him & the new ladies told me, "oh, he's in the crib!" Silly boy. All those toys and new kids and he sleeps. Oh well. I think they're just off this week... it's been super hot/humid/stormy and both kids have just been crabby & irritable. So am I.

Tonight we took advantage of the break in the storms & went for a walk in the mud & puddles. Care Bear had a wonderful time and didn't want to have her bath & go to bed. All the kids are conked out now- the two smallest (I am including the dog as a kid, since she is!) are just having their pre-bedtime naps. Dada is home safe & sound after many travel interruptions & minor disasters, setbacks, etc., etc., etc. so we're glad he's here!

Have a great rest of the week and a fun weekend! =) Oh, and I started step aerobics. Love it! Dada is signed up for it too, so if you wanna come see a good time, watch us as we try frantically to keep our right straight from our left ;) Hehe!

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