Sunday, August 12, 2007


It's been a revolving door around here lately =) Grandma Barb and Pap spent a few days here and we worked on 4 tables. I'm serious. They almost finished the poker table that has been taking shape in the garage, we removed an old kitchen table from the basement, took apart and stored our current dining room table, and "installed" a 6 foot (that is, half of a 12 foot) converence table as our new dining room table. See pictures below. We also goofed off a lot. Now PaPa is here and he took us out to lunch after church. Naptime now. This week Grandmama comes too, or "Nanama" as Liam calls her. Here's some updated shots of what we've been up to. The rain's finally stopped. Have a great week! =D

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