Thursday, August 07, 2008

Bonehead alert

Some of you have heard snippets of the following story. Carrie was supposed to watch the Mr. Rogers DVD at break time today and then go to her room to read books. Those were the specific instructions, because quite frankly, I needed a nap. Anyway, part one happened without a hitch. However, I went upstairs to the sound of dancing feet in the hallway. Not only is she dancing in the hallway, a permeating raspberry aroma scents the upstairs. This kid, this incredible blessing from God (that was with gritted teeth, could you tell?) had decorated her bedroom and parts of the hall with raspberry St. Ives lotion.

Lisa, quit laughing. I KNOW we just talked about this! This is my LIFE!

So I took pictures. And made her clean it. All of it. At least an hour later after I'd cooled off. I think the pictures speak mostly for themselves, but I can't resist a few smart captions...

Above, her table. Below, the foot of her bed. Why she thinks furniture needs moisturizing is beyond me!

Alas, Tino and Twiddlebug were in the wrong place at the wrong time. Both need a trip through the washing machine. Yet she left the pile of clean laundry unscathed. She even squirted some into her garbage can! She'd fetch a good price on E-bay, I'm sure of it!

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