Wednesday, October 15, 2008


This is not meant to slight any of you fastidious types who know where all your belongings are 100% of the time. If you've seen my house, you know that I am not one of those types. If you've ever at any point in history seen my bedroom, you know I've never been one of those types. And chances are good that I never will be one of those types. I'm a hobbit. I'm okay with that.

That said, has anyone seen my slipcovers? I mean, for real. I used to have two (one royal blue and one plaid w/ blue, tan, and cranberry) and now I can find none. Have I lent them to someone? Rita? Muggin? I can't find them and can't remember when I've last seen them. I know I washed and dried and attempted to fold them after our "flood" last year, but I was thinking about getting one on the futon and then testing one out on the loveseat upstairs... they seem to have vanished into thin air. Like my sanity. Heh. If anyone knows where they are, please let me know. Thanks in advance! =)


Dave said...

Have you checked the futon and the loveseat?

JC said...

OMG the tears are streaming down my face...

Val said...

ROFL yes, Dave, I've checked those places. And Jen, just because your loft isn't big enough for you to lose things doesn't give you belly-laughing rights to my problems!

Only your housekeeping skills can do that =D

Love you guys! Still haven't found them... hmmmm... maybe my sanity is UNDER the slipcovers!

ConnieJ said...

You and I are kindred spirits......