Thursday, September 24, 2009


The backstory for these parade shots is that we got a note from school saying Carrie had been selected by her classmates to be part of Student Council. She was clueless.
Dada: Did they vote for you?
Carrie: I dunno.
Mama: Did they all point to you to pick you?
Carrie: I don't know.
Mama, exasperated: Were you in the bathroom and they picked you because you weren't there?
Carrie: I don't know!

Well. She's on Student Council. Their first event is to march in the fall parade that commemorates a previous President and war hero. Please report at such and such a time, allow your child to walk the entire parade route, etc. I proudly present Care Bear in her first parade! Here she is, reporting for duty.

The high school band

Liam was real impressed by these big, tall bikes. They're "up hiiiiigh"...

Carrie's school district mascot is a yellowjacket. Naturally, Liam sees it coming and starts hollering: there's the lellow bee! Look, the bee!
Mama: Liam, it's a yellowjacket.
Liam: No, it's a bee! Look, the bee is lellow!

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