Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Pokin' around...

I don't really have anything to report. I'm procrastinating again, so I thought I'd hop on here to let everyone know we're still alive. Dada has requested next week off for Thanksgiving, but hasn't heard yet if that will indeed be granted or not. Care Bear's vacation starts Wednesday, and I think that's when uncle Kelly, aunt Becky, cousin Lizzie, and Hershey will be getting here too. Have I mentioned we're doing Thanksgiving here this year? ;)

Care Bear's winter concert is going to be December 10th, so anyone interested in sitting through the 45-60 minute production can let us know. She's been diligently practicing her 4 songs. And she's already begging to wear pants. I told her she's wearing a dress. She insists on a short skirt. So I told her then she'll need to be in tights also. She then said she's going to wear shorts. Such a nut!

Liam's been having lots of fun time with me while she's at school. Last week we met some Girlfriends for lunch, and this week he informed me that he wanted to do lunch again with Miss Janet and Miss Mary. Could I please call Miss Mary so we could have lunch together again? He is so cute! Poor Miss Mary is so busy we can't do lunch until December, which I'm sure will be here before we know it...

The wind has died down after 2 days of it being between 20-30 mph. It seems ridiculously quiet now. Nothing like standing at the bus stop freezing your nevermind off. And I can hear Grandmama in my head, "it's not that cold. It's just damp!" Either way, I'd rather be in Hawaii. Seriously though, I've been thanking God every single day that it has been dry. We've had a million errands to run and that means we've gotten in and out of the car two million times and I very much appreciate that it hasn't been sleeting or otherwise being gross. I'm sure it's coming. It'd be great if it held off until 2010. *snicker*

I really should be cleaning. I made banana bread this morning, so the house smells yummy. And the best part is that the kitchen table is almost naked- yay! Dada will be so proud of us when he comes home! Hehe.

Oh phooey. Lazytown is over. Time for lunch. Have a great week, everyone!

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