Monday, May 10, 2010

Special days

So Saturday was Care Bear's 7th birthday, and Dada had brought home this incredible chocolate cake from Montreal. Here is the cake, and her face when she saw the cake. Hehe!

We'd had our home group from church over here on Friday night and had an ice cream social in honor of Care Bear. We had vanilla, chocolate, mint chocolate chip and black raspberry chocolate. Plus toppings. Lotsa toppings. Some birthday girl who shall remain nameless decided it'd be a good idea to drink some of the chocolate syrup and then was completely grossed out when her toothbrush turned red that night. The entire roof of her mouth was coated. Diiiiiiisgusting. But a good birthday nonetheless!

She received sidewalk chalk, a summery outfit, and a gift card for Meijer (think super WalMart spin off... has groceries, clothes, goodies, etc.), birthday money, and a new bike. Hmm, don't seem to have any bike pictures yet. Shall have to remedy that. Anyway, the Meijer gift card trip was hilarious. She had $25 to spend, so we told her to take her calculator so we could turn it into a money lesson. Into the cart went a cheapie light up toy, a Slinky, Bubbles, and some other stuff. Then all of that came back out when she spied night vision goggles in the kids science section. HAD to have the night vision goggles.

"Carrie, you're SLEEPING when it's dark. You don't need night vision goggles."
"Yes, I do. I want them."
"They don't take regular batteries. We don't have this kind at home, and they are much harder to find. We are not buying batteries for you when these ones go dead."
"I'll pay for them."
"You don't have a job. How are you going to pay for them? Why don't you get a baseball glove? Then we can all play with you outside, instead of you wearing goggles all by yourself."

Nope. Had to get the goggles. Will HAVE to get pictures of the goggles. And the bike. Must remember...

And the Mother's Day belly at 35.5 weeks. The next appointment is Tuesday morning, so we'll see how things are going then. Running out of time around here. The laundry room is painted, the crib is set up and dressed, and drawers and closets are filled with 0-6 month boy and girl clothes. Care Bear thinks the tiny dresses hanging in her closet are just too funny.

Hope all you moms had a great Mother's Day! I know I got everything I could wish for =) And then some!

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