Thursday, February 13, 2020

“Guess this is goodbye, old pal...”

If you're not familiar with the above quote, I'm happy to enlighten you. It's from a scene in "Into The Woods" in which Jack has to give up his cow, whom he views as a pet. He sings further, "you've been a perfect friend... I'll see you soon again. I hope that when I doooooo, it won't be on a plate." Busts me up every time.

I kind of had similar feelings for this old friend. This was gifted to me by the teachers I worked with when I finished student teaching in Norristown. I took excellent care of it for forever and then the kids started using it, and, well, you can see for yourself. It went the way of the dodo, I'm afraid. 

No shame, though. Rest well, faithful little lunchbox. For the record, it was an Arctic Zone product and I highly recommend them. We have several other ones that are holding up well to the abuse my kids put them through, so keep them in mind come back to school shopping. If it can withstand the impatience with which it gets shoved into backpacks and squashed by binders and gym shoes AND be tough enough to be clipped to the outside of said backpack on other days to be smashed into the bus seat repeatedly, it's worth its weight in gold. 

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