Thursday, March 19, 2020

A snapshot of self-sequestering

While chomping on a hot dog and working on metric system conversions, Thing Three is singing, “I farted, it tickled, my butt cheeks jiggled, so I did it again...” 

Sorry, Mom. This is my reality. 

Also, yes, that is a recorder beside the laptop. The school sent them home. Welcome to the eleventh circle of hell.

“What are you doing? Don’t take my picture. Why is my door open? It isn’t noon.”

Yes, my day is clear. For now until the foreseeable future. Just like many others who are trying to stay home and out of trouble...

My dishes are done! For a hot minute, anyway. So is my load of whites- washed, dried, folded, and put away!

Thing Two was banished from the device to the Legos so his eyeballs could have a break. This is one thing he never complains about being sent to. Getting him to leave the Lego table to go back to work is a different story.

And Dada with his bottles, computers, and microscope has taken over the Grandparent Suite, requiring the removal of some furniture and the installation of some other pieces. Desperate times, right?

The dogs, who are outside while it's not raining, are a bit bemused by all of us being home all the time, but I think they're secretly enjoying it. 

I'll leave you with this beloved little nugget:

Wash your hands and say your prayers, 
cuz Jesus and germs are everywhere. 

Stay safe, everyone! As my Uncle Gary often says, 
"good decisions, wise choices."

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