Sunday, April 19, 2020

"Lightning has just hit my brain..."

That title is from the movie "Hook", featuring Robin Williams as Peter Pan and Dustin Hoffman as Captain Hook. I saw it with a posse of close friends when I was in junior high, I think, and it's remained a favorite ever since. 

Anyway, as Dada prepared a lovely bacon/eggs/sourdough toast breakfast this morning, he finished off the current bottle of orange juice. Liam protested that he wanted some, so I told him to go bring in the next bottle from the garage. He was dumbfounded that there would be more out there, never mind the fact that we store them out there all winter, every winter, as we have one of those ridiculous side-by-side refrigerators that isn't wide enough to shove an extra large pizza into, and the garage keeps in plenty of cold. 

As he returns, loudly proclaiming that he'd never noticed the bagged bottles of orange juice outside the door to the garage, in my head I heard the Holderness family spoof of "I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For". One of my favorites for sure. 

Then it hit me, like lightning. All those centuries and lifetimes of men being the hunters while women were the gatherers. I mused aloud to Dada, "wait, the MEN were the hunters?! They can't find ANYTHING! How did THAT work? The good Lord would have had to said to each deer, 'you, get out from behind that rock. They'll never find you otherwise. You, get farther into the field because they won't think to check the woods for you.'" 

Dada smiled, knowing he's guilty of not always hunting until the lost item is found, and gave me some grief about sexual prejudice. 

I continued anyway, "OH! So THAT'S why they followed the HERDS. Even men could follow a herd. 'There they gooooo!'" 
It's all so clear now! Women would have checked under every leaf for berries and under every rock for edibles, hence the "leave no stone unturned" gatherers and the men could traipse after the herds of buffalo or mastodons or whatever was in the area. Got it!

And there's our history according to me. You're welcome. And thanks to the amazing Holderness family for speaking the truth in fun. Haha! I take no credit other than copy and paste. If you haven't explored them, go check them out- they are a hoot!

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