Tuesday, April 12, 2022

You can tell we like to eat!

Since I know better than to advertise when Dada is out of town and I'm holding down the fort, these all waited awhile to get posted. He spent almost two weeks in Bogota, Colombia as March turned to April. A handful of his coworkers went with him, one a native of Bogota with family there. Therefore, Dada got taken to great places to eat!

Sweet Angela, whom I'd gotten to meet when we went together before, sent two adorable tiny mugs and saucers, and coffee flavored chewy candies which are excellent, home with Dada. I squealed in delight, of course, and have been using them every day. Un mug petit!

Breakfast at his hotel. I asked what was in the mug because it looked like potatoes. He said, "soup." I asked what was in it and he said, "soupy stuff." Sorry folks, I got nothin'! 

Angela and her brother Alejo, some of our wonderful family in South America!

Bernardo's lovely mom, Yvonne, had the guys over after they'd been stuffed by his inlaws' side of the family. Never too full for dessert!

Dinner some different night. I made the mistake of asking what the squiggles were and was informed, "calamari, and it was delicious!" Guess there's really not a lot of things they could have been had I thought about it...

Shopping for souvenirs. Trying to gauge sizes for the kids.

I have no idea what Mike Wizowski is doing in Bogota, but I'm glad Dada got a picture of him!

The above chandelier is in a salt mine! Isn't that incredible!?

Sweet breads at Yvonne's

Liam likes my new tiny mugs. Apparently they're not going to work well for warming his huge hands.

And the treats he brought back! Those Copelia cookies are amazing. Imagine a stroopwaffel had a kid with a Girl Scout Samoa cookie and that's pretty close to how delicious they are. I'm having a hard time showing restraint! 
And he brought me back the tub of dulce de leche, yum! Now all I need is some vanilla ice cream to dump drizzle it onto.

Thanks to those of you who prayed for traveling mercies for him. Other than a delay in Atlanta on the way home, everything else went very well! He made it home at about ten to four in the morning on Friday so we were all glad for a weekend to catch up on some rest!


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