Monday, September 11, 2023


Our entire kit and caboodle was out of town this weekend and that's another post altogether, requiring two nights in a hotel. Dada was staying another day or two so the Thingz and I got back last night. As Thing Three prepped for bed, he discovered he couldn't find his toothbrush. We hunted a little bit, but I handed him a new one and the evening progressed. 
This morning before school, Thing Two announced he couldn't find A) his retainer, B) his toothbrush, C) his toothpaste, D) all of the above. We hunted more strategically for those because... retainer. Gave up and told Thing Two where the new toothbrushes are. 

Thing One is still fast asleep and has the day off. 

So I texted Dada about the retainer and he checked with the hotel:

Guess what he found at the hotel front desk?

Not one, not two, but ALL THREE Thingz' toothbrushes! HOW ARE THESE PEOPLE EVEN RELATED TO ME!? I share my mother's and sister-in-law's despise-ment of the feeling of "sweater teeth" but apparently none of my offspring are likewise affected. Bleah! I cannot WAIT to tell on them to our beloved dental hygienist at their next appointment. Muahaha.

And before anyone asks, the tattoo goo is NOT used for the brushing of teeth. A certain of-age Thing has acquired some body art which requires maintenance but that's not my story to tell. Let's see how long it takes that kid to realize there's a toothbrush missing...

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