Wednesday, May 29, 2024

A luxury state of mind

 Today is our first day of bona-fide summer vacation. I had somewhat planned to attempt an outside run this morning, but upon awakening I realized it was raining. It is so nice to stay in bed and listen to the rain. I thought, "what luxury!"

Then I realized that was just the tip of the iceberg. Here I was, in a bed, which I only have to share with my husband, not all of my children, and no pets or livestock. Our bed is a real bed- not made of straw/sticks/leaves in a sack- it's raised off the floor, we don't require mosquito netting. It's in our bedroom, with a door, and our children each have their own places to sleep also off the ground and without bug nets. There is a roof over our home which has many rooms- so many I can't keep it all clean. We share our home as we wish, but again don't have livestock in the downstairs or chickens or things of that nature. We live a life of luxury, yet we don't often recognize let alone appreciate it. It reminded me to give thanks, not just for the lovely sound of rain, but for all that we have. Our blessings runneth over. Don't sweat the small stuff- revel and delight in your own big picture. I bet if we all made lists of blessings that we would be astounded. Happy hump day!

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