Friday, May 10, 2024

Like any good Midwesterner

i can't help it. i'm a sucker for pretty, interesting light. so the other night i was outside taking photos and the tornado siren goes off. well, everyone knows that's when midwesterners head out to the front porch to see what's going on instead of heading to the basement! we didn't have any action but, if you can, help out the folks in michigan or other states who did see action- way more than they wanted to, unfortunately.

the web above has nothing to do with dangerous weather, but damon and i observed it earlier in the week because of all the moisture and dandelion seeds it had accumulated. we'd laughed about how the poor weaver probably went out first thing in the morning, delightedly rubbing its front legs together, preparing to examine the bountiful catch, only to realize they were dandelion seeds bouncing around in the breeze. that has to be so frustrating. "dangit!"

 i love the light below. i never get tired of sun on green.


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