Friday, May 10, 2024

With a little help from Mortimer

This is the "garden" behind our garage. The yellow circle highlights some Creeping Charlie, which is a gorgeous, spreading ground cover with purple flowers that the bees all seem to love. It creeps EVERYWHERE, sending out runners, then suddenly I have huge clumps of it and I feel guilty yanking it out because the bees are clearly working it and then I feel terrible. Plus, it's pretty! We have it instead of actual grass (which is a pain in the you know what anyway, in my opinion) in many places.

The pink circles are my lupine, and mine does bloom pink, though the park down the road has zillions of blue ones so I might have to do a seed exchange so we can have both. I'm so excited that it is also spreading. YAY!

The purple circle is dandelions, WHICH ARE FLOWERS.

The blue circle is violets, which also show up on their own and are beautiful and peaceful and I love them and I don't care that they're uninvited and also seem to be spreading. 

The white circle is morning glories, which again, big surprise, I encourage and love and can't wait to have everywhere. 

The red circle is apparently wild garlic mustard (according to my plant identification app) and why we have patches of it in the garden and out front can only be explained by the word "wild". I have no idea. Wasps and ants seem to like the tiny blossoms. I think I remember reading it's edible but please don't try it without confirmation!

Oh, and if I remember correctly, Mortimer was the name of Bill Cosby's squeaky marker back when he was on TV. That's the mental sound I heard when I was making the circles, so I threw that out there for anyone who'd appreciate it. 

How does YOUR garden grow? No judgment from me!


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