Wednesday, July 03, 2024

Not quite what I was going for

 Okay folks, the results are in! Boy, this free therapy really IS nice because they weren't quite what we were hoping for, even though they're not bad in and of themselves. Here goes.

The PET scan results lit up where we expected them to in my right auxilla (fancy word for my side around my armpit area) but it showed two additional spots as well. One in (or on, I dunno how that all works, really) my thoracic spine #10 and one in my abdominal adrenals. Does that mean there's more than one there? No idea. According to Google, those sit just above your kidneys, and the thoracic #10 is also in the middle of my back.

She asked if I'd had a back injury. Can't claim that. I feel like I do have arthritis in my lower back. She said, "no, the thoracic #10 is right in the middle of your back." Hmmm. Now I'm wondering what all shows up on PET scans because the internet's vague "areas of high metabolism" don't mean much to me! 

I guess it looks like something fishy is happening in the neighborhood and now I need more MRIs. Apparently they don't do spinal and abdominal ones at the same time- fabulous- so that means two more times to go carry on with the radiology imaging team, whoohooo!

My main thought keeps coming back to "there was nothing in my blood work to show reason for concern." In my superior layman's thinking (haha) that means that either we caught all of this really early before it affected my blood work or it could be something benign like a cyst or cysts that just show up and hang out and don't do much. We do have a family history of abdominal cysts, my mother reminded me, which I'd either forgotten or not known. 

Now we know a little more as in areas to more thoroughly inspect. Information and knowledge are power, right? 

I must confess to a pounding heart while I was madly scribbling everything I was being told over the phone. Since it's all in the middle of me, that means I'll probably be enclosed for the next two MRIs. I've been okay before, but honestly the more tests they schedule the more needles are involved the more anxious I get. I may need sedated for these ones, which is no big other than I wouldn't be allowed to drive myself home afterwards, which is NOT a big deal as I doubt anyone (ahem, Dada) will let me go alone anyway. As I said, I'm in good hands. And the needle will be going in regardless so maybe a sedative isn't a bad idea. Pray for peace. And really juicy veins. Plump, juicy, very full veins!


John Hanely said...

Our continued prayers for healing, comfort, and strength

Val said...

Thank you!