Thursday, July 04, 2024

Note to self...

...when one has graduation photos on one's phone, one should deal with them BEFORE adding bazillions of vacation photos to phone. 
*face palm, scrolling, scrolling, backtracking, scrolling*
Anyway, away we go!

Of course I have fifty bajillion photos on my phone (roughly a bajillion of graduation related ones) but I'm trying to be sensitive to things like location reveals, the privacy of other people's kids, and so forth. It'd be easier to just dump it all and attempt to sort it out, but I don't have a good program with which to do that anymore, so I'm being intentional in the picking and choosing. There were lots of friends who came to support Thing Two, but I don't know how they all feel about being splashed all over the internet. I'm trying to restrain myself.

So here he is as a part of the choir. They said he added an entire octave, haha!

While subbing, I had a conversation with one of the teachers earlier in the year and he asked if I had any kids at the school. He apologized for being not great with names. I told him who my kid was, he pondered a moment, then lit up and said, "OH! With the HAIR! And the VOICE!" That pretty much sums up this guy right now. A second teacher mentioned the same attributes when speaking about Thing Two. Roughly paraphrased it sounded like :"The kid is kinda intimidating when you first meet him. He's so tall, he has all this hair, and then he opens his mouth and his voice is DOWN HERE. He's always polite, always respectful, but geez."

He fit in perfectly with his group of guys this year. This is one of my favorites. This photo cracks me up every single time.

Some of our excellent tribe:

Thank you for the cards, the well wishes, your attendance, but mostly for showing up in his life and in ours. None of us would be who we are without you pouring into us!

Thus endeth the high school career of Thing Two. Way to go, Hair In His Face! We're proud of you. Now get off the couch and go find a job. 😆


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