Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Ohio's high summer beauty

Been doing a fair bit of waiting lately. Waiting for scans to happen, waiting for the results, waiting for the follow up to talk about the results and to set up the next thing, as one does. 
Waiting is easier when walking. That's why pacing was invented. Since you can't always pace in a doctor's office because it tends to make non-pacers nervous, I gotta get that energy out somewhere. Often I go outside where sometimes you get beautiful flowers or fun friends along your walk.

That redwing blackbird was posing so nicely until I took my phone out to actually frame him. Then he turned head on and kept fluttering to different shrubberies and I couldn't get his handsome stripes. Hold still! I just want to take your picture!

"Blue weed" is what they're called, but I love them!

I love that water bird. We've discovered there are at least two of them in our area. They're shy and often we'll see them because we've startled them into flight with those huge wingspans. I always say a joyful hello, at least in my head, and it's all one word: helloooooWaterbird!

We skipped the garden this year (as in, "you would be horrified if I sent pictures of the crop of thistles!") , but you know what we also have a good crop of? Cattails! 


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