Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Screaming Meemies

Just two pictures and am taking suggestions on how to handle temper tantrums. Last night when I left for Ladies' Night Out, she screamed at the top of her lungs for 35 minutes. Then he put her down, she screamed for 10 more, and was finally quiet for 45 minutes. She skipped her nap yesterday- alternated between screaming, crying, singing, and talking to herself. If she does this when the baby comes, I really am going to kill her. For two days now I've had no nap >=/ Today she yelled for 30 minutes because she dropped her friggin hair tie! When do they understand that they are allowed to scream in the house only if they are bleeding???!!!!! Socks coming off, dropped teething toys, or a missing stuffed animal are NOT good enough reasons to scream as if you were being murdered slowly with a rusty spoon! I'm really hoping it's just top molars moving around, (even though yesterday I rubbed her w/ Orajel and she kept screaming) & that is stops very, very soon. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!!!!!!

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