Wednesday, July 09, 2008

A funny from Care Bear

I knew I'd forget this, and it's too funny to forget, so I'm glad I wrote it on the quoteboard right away:

Carrie: When will Jesus die on the cross again?
Mama: He did that already. He won't do that again.
Carrie: Doesn't that happen in April?

Snicker all you want. I sure did, facing away from her, of course. And if you're wondering if I've forgotten to change the background wallpaper from Easter to something else, I'm going to keep it awhile longer. I like that the crosses are shadowy behind all our pictures, permeating our lives. It's a good reminder to me. I hope you've let the love and sacrifice of Jesus bless you, too. It's like any other present- you wouldn't stand there and stare at whoever is offering you a gift. You would reach out and accept it and thank them. Do the same for the one who loves you most!

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