Friday, February 20, 2009

Doogie Howser

This morning I was staggering around while I attempted to get breakfast ready for the morning crew. Some of you are under the mistaken impression that I am a morning person. In fact, my mother bought me a coffee mug that says, "BEWARE! NOT a morning person!" I used it all throughout student teaching and use it the second it comes out of the dishwasher once it is clean. However, now that I am a mom, I've discovered to my horror (just kidding, Mommee) that if I get up and "get crackin'" that I can be very productive in the morning. Just doesn't mean I have to like it.

Having said all that to say this... this morning I'm in the kitchen, getting cereal & juice for these little buggers when I am approached from behind. It was Liam, wearing a plastic stethoscope. He then sticks the end of it on my left butt cheek. The conversation went like this:

Why are you sticking that on my bum?
Hold still. I have to check you.
Oh. Okay. You check me.
*makes listening sounds* Hmmm. Sounds good. *proceeds to my RIGHT butt cheek* Very good! Hmmm. Very good!

Yes. I'm so glad my bum sounded very good. *siiiiiiiiiiiiiiigh*

And while I'm typing this, the resident Her Royal Majesty is neglecting her oatmeal to ask what all the words mean with the red underline beneath them. "Those are the words it thinks I spelled wrong." "Wow. You spelled a lotta words wrong, Mama." Grrrr. "Perhaps if I didn't have to literally spoon oatmeal into a five year old, I'd be able to think clearly and spell better!"

Happy weekend, everyone!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Did you ever take serious nana's comments of "may you have children exactly like you" til now???