Tuesday, May 28, 2019

How is it still May?

It probably seems like I rag on May a lot. I guess I do. Even Cheeky Beaky appears to have endured enough May for one year:

I don't feel like it's asking too much to have ONE room in the house be clean and able to be used. Clearly, this room is not it. This is affectionately known as the Old Lady Room. When we viewed the house, it had a very low couch, a stand-up, old-time radio, wingback chairs, etc. It was painted a pink/purple/gray/tan/no color and had roses on the carpet. 

You can see we stuck with the carpet, mostly because when the guys came to clean it the first time they informed us, "that's probably the best quality carpet in the house."

Of course it is.

So we painted and got furniture, kept the drapes, strung fairy lights, and threw our pajamas and underpants all over the floor. Perfect.

That is not the current painting project, by the way. This room was finished two summers ago when we shipped all the kids to various camps and grandparents' so we could work in peace. 

There are two days left of school and I haven't even started painting the actual kitchen yet. Good thing it's essentially just the backsplash area and the soffit and around one doorway. The sitting room is almost done except for an up high part that I can't reach while standing on the bar and I can't just slide the ladder over as the bar is in the way. It'll take Dada reconfiguring said ladder to get that part finished. 

Tomorrow I have coffee with my friend Janet and a dentist appointment anyway, so we'll see how much gets done once that's all finished. Last coffee date of the school year, haha!

If it ever stops monsooning, the guys will be able to finish the roof. Today they began adding some of the metal roofing over the sunroom. I took a picture of it but apparently my phone is once again not speaking to my laptop.

If it ever stops monsooning, I'll get the plants into the garden that I spent hours weeding on Memorial Day. It's still not completely ready for the seedlings as it's hard to weed around cilantro. But it's fun to see self seeding marigolds and borage popping up and stray tomato seedlings sprouting from last year's went-to-waste-on-the-vine. And lettuce. And surprise squash. I think. Time will tell!

As far as storm damage, we've been beyond lucky. Some friends have not fared well at all. We occasionally have ducks swimming in the yard, but structurally everything seems to be holding up well, including our rear mostly-naked-and-covered-in-Sharkskin roof. 

On the medical front, some of you have been privy to (haha, that's funny!) photos on facebook of my morning meds with cookies. Three Nerlynx seemed to work pretty well. Upping this week to four has worked rather less well in terms of side effects. I called my oncology office today and laid it all out. They checked and double checked and now I'm to not take any Nerlynx for the next two days and then start back up with three a day. My appointment is next week, so we'll talk then about how things are progressing. Or not. Thanks to those of you who have been checking in on me and praying against me moving into the bathroom permanently. I quipped to a friend that I'd be finished with my summer reading list in about a week if this kept up. Yes, I'm drinking plenty. Yes, I'm keeping an eye on electrolytes. Yes, I'm keeping my doc in the loop. Yes, perhaps next summer will be diarrhea-free, (third year's a charm, right?) and then I'll celebrate with ice cream every day!

In the meantime, there's no homework which means the boys are reveling in their rediscovered love of screen time as I attempt to finish the painting, Bosley Underfoot is losing his mind every time the roofers show up, the seedlings need separated and popped into the ground, Dada and I have an actual date *gasp* planned for next week, there are two more days of school, and life is good. We are blessed. 

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