Wednesday, May 15, 2019


It's just after 9 AM. I have a load of boy laundry in the washer, a dish full of dishes but the dishwasher is half full, dinner is in the crock pot, and the cookie dough for Damon's presentation tomorrow is chilling in the fridge. I figured I better blog now before I get busy again with the latest project. What dummy decided removing wallpaper and painting during the end of the school year would be a good idea, again? 

I blame Delores.


The boys are definitely related to me in that they appreciate destruction. Teehee. 

Carrie, and Precious, unfazed by the mess.

The current state of affairs:

Having a hard time removing the adhesive at the top of that wine colored wall where the border had affixed straight to the paint. We've tried the water-and-fabric-softener route, and plain water, and soapy water, and the Goo Gone followed by soapy water already. Guess it's time to tear down the wall and start over.

If you need me, I'll be chiseling away the last  (hopefully) of the dried glue, sanding (yes, Mommee, I have a dust mask), scrubbing, and otherwise dancing around on my step ladder.

At least until it's time to drop everything to run Carrie to karate, bake Damon's cookies and help him put the finishing touches on his presentation for tomorrow and then the wax museum one on Friday, along with the myriad of other things that I hope to cross off my list. Yesterday I got all the sunroom curtains washed and hung outside to dry. They're on the guest bed in the hopes that they'll stay tidy until we've painted, but as we have at least one boy who vaults on big beds to do backflips no matter how many times we've admonished him not to, my hopes are not terribly high for them staying wrinkle-free. At least they smell good.

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