Tuesday, July 12, 2022

All things baseball

So this kiddo finished an impressive season of baseball this summer. Sadly, they lost in the single elimination tournament but played with a lot of heart and the boys had some terrific personal triumphs. We got nice tans in the process, haha!

We also enjoyed another Mud Hens game, just We3. Damon was over the moon with delight that one of the players made not just one but two of his very first home runs for the Mud Hens and had a terrific catch in the outfield. It may have helped that this child had two cups of Pepsi, but he had a ball either way! Then we got to enjoy the fireworks for the 4th from our stadium seats. They were terrific!

The bleachers at the tournament were in full sun and therefore almost empty of people. Our big kids, of course, believe they are vampires and staked out a shady spot.  

Bittersweet that baseball is over for the year, but that's how life goes. I really enjoyed cheering on the boys and had a good time with their very nice (and quite entertaining) parents and siblings in the stands. Overall, it was a terrific season and another great team experience. 

Now let's see what Shenanigans we can get into next...


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