Monday, September 12, 2022

Paging Weird Al

I'm sure some of you remember the hit "The Thunder Rolls" by Garth Brooks that was big in the early 90's. 

I had an unfortunate accident with my pumpkin roll this morning. I was carrying it upstairs, balanced on top of Beowulf (which I don't like any better than I did in high school, incidentally), my wallet [as today is picture day for Damon and I forgot to send the form in with him so I had to do it online. Who schedules picture day on a Monday, anyway?], my new reading glasses, and my coffee mug (which thankfully has a lid or goodness knows what would have happened). I should probably explain that we've gotten a new laptop (yay, and there was much rejoicing) and I'm keeping it upstairs in the nook we call the sitting room. It's the same spot where I do yoga in the morning, so now you have that picture in your head. There are slightly fewer distractions up there which is good for blogging and Stuff I'm Supposed To Get Done, but also bad because I don't have everything in the world at my fingertips, like scrap paper, for instance.

 We can pause here for a moment of lament. For my pumpkin roll, not for my lack of Stuff. 

I thought, "I need Weird Al to come up with a parody of that song. He can describe how addicting pumpkin rolls are, how quickly they're devoured once they're brought home, how excited everyone is to see them in the stores at the end of summer (it is not yet fall, people!)...
Oy, pumpkin rolls..."  🎵🎵🎵

Don't mind me. I'm here singing sad country songs to myself.


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