Wednesday, September 14, 2022

Yes, more flora phone photos

Another misty morning today. Road visibility seemed to be okay but the woods are all hiding, haha.

Driveway detritus

Tuesday morning had fun, watercolor-ish clouds in front of more solid ones in the distance. 

Above, my leggy mums are starting to bud. Below, the buckeye trees are convinced it is already autumn. Lots of their leaves have jumped already, and we can hear buckeyes and walnuts pinging off the driveway, the trailer, the roof. Pretty much any tree that can make a mess, we've gone some. Oak, buckeye, various pines, walnut, locust, you name it. 

Good morning, moon.

There I go not focusing again. These pictures, below, are from Monday's run.

Not a fabulous picture, but the cheerful yellow of the tall flowers against the green of the soybeans and the blue and white of the sky with the blue and white of the blue weed and Queen Anne's lace in the foreground... perfection. I'm sure Dada is getting tired of me pointing it out on every walk, but it's so vibrant and balanced and lovely that I don't want anyone to miss it!


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