Saturday, January 07, 2023

Back to life, back to reality...

 Thursday was slated to be a busy day- our first day back to school post-Christmas vacation as well as Liam's wisdom teeth extraction. I felt it appropriate to wear corresponding socks:

I do believe they're from my Muggin, and they read, "Dang it all to heck" which cracks me up every time. 

It exactly sums up Thing Three's feelings on returning to school:

Liam, who had gone the pre-surgical route of nothing to eat or drink for 10+ hours before surgery, was surprisingly pleasant going into the appointment. Here he is, delighted at all the tech he's being connected to, quipping, "I really AM a Borg!" If you're not sure what a Borg is, just Google it. It's even more terrifying now that it was then, and it was plenty scary then. As tech is one of his love languages, he was over the moon.

He was absolutely hilarious in the car on the quick ride home. He had long strings of gauze hanging out of his mouth and it reminded me of a Fu Manchu mustache. Apparently anesthesia makes him chatty. He held forth the entire drive and I was laughing so hard that I cried which is impressive as it's only about 7 minutes from where he had the procedure done to where we live. There was a whole lot of what sounded like he was talking through a towel, but a surprising amount of "thah wah well hun. Well hun!" 

"That was well done?"


"Okay, I'm glad."

"Thah wah fanthathich! Well hun. Fanthathich!"
Everything went well. All five (yes, he's one of the lucky ones) wisdom teeth are out; he was sent home with 6 prescriptions to fight everything from infection to swelling to pain to stinky feet to bad hair days to... just kidding. There really are 6 prescriptions though two are only for emergencies. He's not a fan of the penicillin , exclaiming after each dose, "good God, that is awful!" It's pretty fun to watch his face turn inside out.

He swelled some but doesn't look like a chipmunk. You can really only tell because you know how angular his face is under normal circumstances. The only real arguments we've had since are about his not being logged into anything whilst he was under the influence. He was dead set on logging into social media to let a friend know how it went as their appointment was a few days from his and we were firmly against him putting anything out there that could be held against him later. Sometimes we just need saved from ourselves.

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