Friday, January 27, 2023

Do you wanna build a snowman?

I took the above photo (I think of it as Frodo's "Dead Marshes") at lunchtime on January 19. I liked that you could see pieces of blue sky in the standing water amidst dormant grass.

The photo below was taken Tuesday at 5:45 pm.

This next photo was Wednesday around 1 pm. We certainly didn't get the 8" that was the predicted high end, but as the photo shows it's always hard to tell what we officially got because ours doesn't stay put. We'll have multiple inches in some spots and bare ground in others. We did have a tremendous amount of slush. I attempted to shovel and decided the tiny walkway was all I was going to do. It's supposed to get up to 35F today though right now it's saying with windchill it feels like 7F. 

You may have seen BGSU's snowball fight with one of their mascots, Freddie Falcon, taking a snowball straight to the beak. Here's a clip of some of the chaos: Sent-Tribune link

Our kiddos have yet to go build a snowman or start a snowball fight or anything as none of them appreciate cold weather. I guess if you have to be out in it, might as well have some fun!


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