Friday, January 27, 2023

Casting about for positive small things

Now that I'm singing, "these are a few of my faaavorite things," (now you are too and you're welcome), I just thought I'd throw out some things that have made me smile in the past week. 

Ignore the Ninjabread cookie kit in the background. I bought those years ago and ended up pitching the actual cookie mix because it was so old I didn't even want to try it. I've found a replacement gingerbread cookie mix that I tossed back in the box and still it waits on the counter...

Anyway, that would be a birthday cake because I'm now officially in my late 40's, according to my little brother anyhow. I added green and silver sprinkles despite the fact that I'd be a Hufflepuff and not a Slytherin. 

These nightstand plants don't have names, but they are buddies hanging out in my bedroom. The cactus has been around for at least a decade and was so dusty and pitiful that I felt sorry for him. I switched nightstands and gave him a friend and he's all perked up and glossy and blooms! Amazing. Just goes to show we all need time with our friends. And sunlight. The one on the left was from my parents' bathroom at their old house. It's also growing every which way and probably needs a new pot and to be rotated. They don't look as green as they actually are in this soft, furry morning light.

These incredible pumpkin chocolate chip cookies were mailed to me by my bestie, who also offered the recipe. I had to turn her down because if I knew how to make these bad boys, my two remaining pairs of appropriate-for-work pants are certainly not going to keep fitting either! YUM.

I believe this is called a Thing Two Placeholder...

My cart at Aldi had a sticker! I think it was meant for me. *beam*

What small things are making a big difference in your outlook?


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